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the girl

Too blank for words. Except these words, that is.


Life in general.


Life in general.

last five

- - 2017-06-08
- - 2017-06-09
Random note from 4/26 - 2017-06-06
- - 2017-06-04
day 1 again - 2017-04-11


4:09 p.m. on 2017-06-04

Going back on a fitness regime is the most rewarding yet annoying things on the planet. Its all i think about and all I want to talk about and yet I am always so cautious because I have been here before and backslid. I've only had one time ever that I kept myself maintained for about a year but according to all my experience and reading it is proven to be much more easy and fulfilling to maintain something for its own sake and not be balls to the wall trying to reach a goal because finish lines are deadly to habits thst we desire to keep. Unless I can find reward in the activity itself it will peter out. So finding new pleasure in fragile habits that I want to maintain will be helpful....I feel equipped to handle this journey in a new way. All of my reading and having people in my life to talk things through with me combined with my experiences and knowledge of my body....I want to develop an easy system for tracking water and food intake...I'm refreshing my lists of awesome diet friendly food that I love. Getting excited about working in a little work out here and there. These are just random thoughts about dieting and working out and I keep spacing out while I'm writing. I want to start some sort of a blog so I thought that this would be a good place to start to see if I will actually do it.

your rainbow